🧠Knowledge graph

A LLM can benefit significantly from the use of knowledge graphs for context window. Here's why:

  1. Contextual Understanding: Knowledge graphs can provide a structured, semantic understanding of real-world entities and their interrelationships. This context is invaluable for a LLM to provide more accurate and nuanced responses. For example, a knowledge graph can provide context about the relationships between people, places, and events that can help the LLM understand and generate more relevant and accurate responses.

  2. Entity Disambiguation: Knowledge graphs can help with entity disambiguation, a common challenge in natural language understanding. For example, the word "apple" could refer to a fruit, a technology company, or a record label. A knowledge graph can help an LLM understand which "apple" is being referred to based on the context.

  3. Temporal and Factual Consistency: Knowledge graphs can also be used to provide temporal consistency and maintain factual accuracy. Since LLMs like GPT-3 do not have a memory of the world after their training data, they can make mistakes about events or facts that occurred after their training data was collected. A knowledge graph can be continuously updated with new information and can provide a way for the LLM to stay current.

  4. Structured Reasoning: While LLMs are good at generating fluent text, they can struggle with tasks that require structured reasoning or understanding of complex relationships. Knowledge graphs can provide the underlying structure that enables the model to reason about complex situations and generate more coherent and accurate responses.

  5. Personalization: Finally, knowledge graphs can be used to manage user-specific context, allowing for more personalized and relevant interactions. For example, a knowledge graph can store information about a user's preferences, past interactions, and other relevant information that can be used to tailor the LLM's responses to the user.

In summary, while LLMs are powerful tools for generating human-like text, their capabilities can be significantly enhanced by leveraging knowledge graphs to provide context, disambiguate entities, ensure factual accuracy, enable structured reasoning, and personalize interactions.

What we do:

  • Data entry and management: Adding new data to the knowledge graph, ensuring accuracy and completeness of information, and updating existing data as needed.

  • Ontology design: Defining the schema and structure of the knowledge graph, including entities, relationships, and attributes.

  • Powerful language models understand your company’s information and users’ queries.

Last updated