
Vectorstores are one of the most important components of building indexes.


Pinecone is a vector database with broad functionality.

Elasticsearch is a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine. It provides a distributed, multitenant-capable full-text search engine with an HTTP web interface and schema-free JSON documents.

Weaviate is an open-source vector database. It allows you to store data objects and vector embeddings from your favorite ML-models, and scale seamlessly into billions of data objects.

Qdrant (read: quadrant ) is a vector similarity search engine. It provides a production-ready service with a convenient API to store, search, and manage points - vectors with an additional payload. Qdrant is tailored to extended filtering support. It makes it useful for all sorts of neural network or semantic-based matching, faceted search, and other applications.

Deep Lake as a Multi-Modal Vector Store that stores embeddings and their metadata including text, jsons, images, audio, video, and more. It saves the data locally, in your cloud, or on Activeloop storage. It performs hybrid search including embeddings and their attributes.

Chroma is a database for building AI applications with embeddings.

Zilliz Cloud is a fully managed service on cloud for LF AI Milvusยฎ,

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